ABILITA’ CHE SI INTENDE SVILUPPARE: Distinguere e utilizzare le principali tipologie testuali, comprese quelle tecnico-professionali, in base alle costanti che le caratterizzano.
You work as a travel agent and you are asked to create an itinerary in the USA.
WHAT: Prepare a brochure using this web tool.
- a short description at the beginning (remember to identify a target!)
- a day-by-day description of the itinerary (with dates!) *
- a map with the destinations ( => + strumento di cattura immagine =>
- at least two attractive pictures WITHOUT ROYALTIES
- the price
* The activities must be suitable for the specific customer you were assigned.
WHO: You are going to work in groups of three.
- Cardillo, Boanini, Cassese => Be green: a tour of the National Parks!
- Rossetti, Di Laudo, Fortezza => The best of East…by train (NYC- Philadelphia-Washington)
- Lotti, Maldotti, Boucou => Along the Pacific Coast by motorbike (from San Francisco to Los Angeles)
- Boldi, Fortezza, Tzenu => Highlights of Alaska
- Miliani, Cascio, Sbaccheri => Coast to coast on self-drive
WHEN: 4 hours