
British History (4000 BC – 1485 AD)

TASK: to create an interactive timeline of British History from 4000 BC to 1485 AD (= the end of the War of the Roses)

HOW => you can use:

TOOL: SUTORI, a web tool (register with your school account) to create timelines

Watch the tutorial before starting!


  • an entry for each period you are analysing, including some basic information and the date/period.
  • an image for each period you are analysing. Include under the photo the link where you have found it! Remember that your images must be without copyright! Learn how to find images without copyright here (guarda solo 1 minuto e mezzo…è tutto ciò che ti serve)!
  • at least 3 multiple-choice quizzes (these quizzes are for your classmates…do not make it too…easy! 😈)


  • pre-Celtic (Stonehenge)
  • the Celts
  • the Roman period
  • the Anglo-Saxons
  • Vikings’ attacks
  • The Normans
    • Plantagenets (from Henry II to Richard II)
    • (the War of the Roses …no!…-WORK IN PROGRESS-)
The Normans (from William I to Henry III)
The Normans (from Henry III to Henry VII Tudor)

WHO: you will work INDIVIDUALLY

ASSESSMENT: this rubric will be used only for the last part of the timeline (not marked before!)

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