Autore: Eliana Di Bella
Do the following exercises.. Ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (3 pages!), 5
Present simple (some exercises)
Do some interactive exercises! Exeercise 1 (about form) Exercise 2 (only positive sentences!) Exercise 3 (only questions) Exercise 4 (only negative sentences)
The making of a Nation
Obiettivo: conoscere gli eventi e le popolazioni collegate alla nascita della nazione inglese PHB: pages 4-7 Activity 1: watch the videos at this link and answer the given questions. N.B. To enter the site and watch the videos (part 1 and 2), you must register using your school account (that is a GMAIL account, anyway!) […]
Your online tools
Here you can find a collection of online tools we are going to use in our classes.Click on the links to start using them…Enjoy! 🙂
Welcome unit
OBJECTIVES: to learn vocab. related to FASHION, CLOTHES and PERSONALITY to revise present simple and present progressive/continuous to revise present perfect simple and past simple BOOKS USED: IF B1+ => Activity 1: let’s learn new vocab. (clothes and accessories)! Click here and complete all the activities. => Activity 2: let’s revise the present tenses Watch […]
Engage unit 1: Family matters
OBJECTIVES: to revise vocab. related to FAMILY and RELATIONSHIPS to revise present simple and present progressive/continuous => Activity 1: vocab. (family members) Click HERE and do the interactive exercise. => Activity 2: vocab. (relationships) Click HERE and register using your school account (es. Then do the given set! (Relationships) => Activity 3: grammar (comparative […]
Unit 1: Time out
The objectives of this unit are: to revise vocab. about free time to revise present simple to compare present simple to present progressive/continuous Activity 1: revise vocab. Go to this link and do the activities! Activity 2: Let’s learn about PRESENT SIMPLE with this presentation. Then go to DIDATTICA in REGISTRO CLASSEVIVA e download/copy the […]
PROJECT ABILITA’ CHE SI INTENDE SVILUPPARE: Distinguere e utilizzare le principali tipologie testuali, comprese quelle tecnico-professionali, in base alle costanti che le caratterizzano. TASK You work as a travel agent and you are asked to create an itinerary in the USA. WHAT: Prepare a brochure using this web tool. YOU MUST INCLUDE: a short description […]