=> FOR YOUR PERSONAL DICTIONARY! (go on) a TOUR (of…) We went on a tour of Europe last summer. (Go on) a VISIT (to…) We went on a visit to Tour Eiffel during our stay in Paris. (Take) an EXCURSION (to…): The club is planning an excursion to New York next month. This morning we […]
Autore: Eliana Di Bella
Cliccate QUI e fate tutti gli esercizi…
Family – Time
Creating a website: my travel agency online!
Let’s learn about it with a simple presentation And now some exercises! Exeercise 1 (about form) Exercise 2 (only positive sentences!) Exercise 3 (only questions) Exercise 4 (only negative sentences) FAST FINISHERS: http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises_list/alle_grammar.htm (all exercises of Tense: present simple)
Charles Dickens vs Oscar Wilde
Present progressive 19/20
UNIT 2: Describing people
In this unit you will learn… (VOCABULARY) … the adjectives used to describe people (tall, short, thin, fat, etc.), family members, clothes (GRAMMAR) … have/has got, present progressive, ordine degli aggettivi (quando ce n’è più di uno!) PART 1 A. Go to QUIZLET and do the set “Body:adjectives” and “Hair: adjectives” B. Do ex.1 and […]
In English there are three articles… Exercises 1 and 2 Exercises 1, 2, 3